"Thank God it's over, and I mean that," Ahenakew told reporters, CBC News reported. "It's been awful."
Ahenakew was convicted after his first trial but an appeals court said he deserved another chance to prove his innocence due to mistakes made by the judge who handled the case. Get the Story:Judge finds Ahenakew not guilty in 2nd hate trial (CBC 2/23)
Ahenakew acquitted in hate case (The Toronto Star 2/24)
Ahenakew found not guilty (The Daily Globe and Mail 2/24)
Ahenakew not guilty of inciting hatred, says court (Canwest News Service 2/24) Court of Appeal Decision:
Queen v. Ahenakew (January 14, 2008) Queen's Bench Decision:
Ahenakew v. Queen (June 8, 2006) Lower Court Decision:
The Queen v. Ahenakew (July 8, 2005) Related Stories:
Native leader faces another hate crimes trial (11/24)