"Fresno County supervisors will discuss a move by the Table Mountain Rancheria to take over the county's Lost Lake Park when they meet this morning -- unless they do the right thing and pull the item from their agenda. This notion came from out of the blue as far as the public is concerned, and that's no way to do the public's business.
The long-range implications of the proposal for Lost Lake are major, and particularly disturbing to advocates of the San Joaquin River Parkway. The semi-pastoral Lost Lake Park, sitting just below Friant Dam, would be turned into an intensive recreation area, and that doesn't square with the vision of the parkway or the history of Lost Lake.
It also threatens to pre-empt existing efforts to plan the future of Lost Lake Park. The San Joaquin River Conservancy, the state agency responsible for the parkway, has already given a grant to the county to fund a master plan for the area, and that work is under way. The county shouldn't be pulling the plug on that public process so abruptly."
Get the Story:
Editorial: Where's debate on Lost Lake?
(The Fresno Bee 12/16)
Earlier Story:
Tribe offers to run Fresno Co. park (The Fresno Bee 12/15)