Police were called to a public school in California on Tuesday after tensions rose among parents who are fighting over the cancellation of a Thanksgiving event for kindergarten students. Every year, the students dress up as "Pilgrims" and "Indians." Michelle Raheja, a member of the Seneca Nation and an English professor who specializes in Native American literature, complained that the depiction was demeaning. The school canceled the event but other parents became upset. A woman described as Choctaw said her son took part in the festivities last year. "My son was so proud," Kathleen Lucas told The Los Angeles Times. "In his eyes, he thinks that's what it looks like to be Indian." Parents on both sides of the dispute showed up to school yesterday to protest. Get the Story:
Claremont parents clash over kindergarten Thanksgiving costumes (The Los Angeles Times 11/25)
Police called over Thanksgiving dispute at Claremont school (The Los Angeles Times 11/26) A Conservative View:
Kindergarten Pilgrim, Indian costumes banned (World Net Daily 11/26