Minerals Case Decision Protested (The Washington Post 9/19)
Lawmakers Assail Interior Over Scandal (The Wall Street Journal 9/19)
Oil-office scandal drips on taxpayers (The Denver Post 9/19)
Fed inspector testifies in oil royalty scandal (The New Orleans Times-Picayune 9/19)
Interior Secretary Says He May Fire Gift-Takers (The New York Times 9/19)
Congress panel blasts Interior Department officials on oil royalties scandal (The Los Angeles 9/19)
Interior boss says he will squelch `ethical storm' (AP 9/18)
Justice erred by not prosecuting managers in oil-sex scandal (McClatchy Newspapers 9/18) Committee Notice:
Oversight Hearing On “Recent Interior Department Inspector General Investigations On Federal Oil And Gas Royalty Collections.” (September 18, 2008) OIG Reports:
Gregory W. Smith | MMS Oil Marketing Group - Lakewood | Federal Business Solutions Contracts Related Stories:
Interior official won't confirm Indian royalty probe (9/18)
House hearing on corruption probe at Interior (9/18)
Congress was warned about corruption at Interior (9/17)
Kempthorne to testify at hearing on DOI scandal (9/16)
House Resources hearing on Interior investigation (9/15)
Inspector General probes Indian royalty collection (9/12)
Editorial: 'Anything goes' at Interior Department (9/12)
Rep. Rahall calls hearing on Interior corruption (9/12)
'A culture of ethical failure' seen at Interior (9/11)
New Inspector General reports on ethical lapses (9/10)
Editorial: Swimmer's slap on the wrist at OST (07/11)
Swimmer reviewing latest reports on OST ethics (07/11)
OST officials slammed in investigation -- again (7/10)
Swimmer admits 'mistakes' by top OST officials (7/31)
Ethics issue behind us, Swimmer tells OST (06/27)
OST one of worst places to work in government (5/1)
OST officials rewarded despite questionable record (1/17)
OST pressed on timetable to complete trust reform (01/09)
Accounting firm defends social relations with OST (07/27)
OST contract tied to favors to top officials (7/25)
OST officials awarded $6.6M contract to friends (7/24)