"The idea of protecting and celebrating one of our area's most revered and certainly most recognized landmarks, the Shiprock pinnacle, is a wonderful idea and worthy of doing so by establishing it as a state park.
Such action would help ensure several things to protect and enhance cultural knowledge of the sacred rock.
Further, a state park could provide much-needed economic benefits to the Shiprock area and the Four Corners overall.
There is opposition.
There are American Indians, namely among the Navajo to whom the rock is sacred, who feel the idea of a park and bringing outsiders to the cherished ground could be harmful and insensitive.
Others oppose it because they want a bigger, grander park, such as a park listed in the National Park system.
Opponents also include taxpayers who do not support the project and the expenses associated with it.
However, there are strong arguments to counter all of those opinions."
Get the Story:
Editorial: Turning this landmark into a state park bodes well for many
(The Farmington Daily Times 9/12)
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