"After more than 370 years the Pequot War (1636-1638) remains one of the most controversial and significant events in the Colonial and Native history of North America. The war has been debated, discussed and analyzed for centuries in hundreds of articles, books, narratives and films. In 2006, the History Channel included the “Massacre at Mystic” as the first episode in its highly acclaimed series “10 Days that Unexpectedly Changed America.”
Mashantucket Pequot Museum
and Research Center has embarked on a multi-year research project funded by the National Park Service's American Battlefield Protection Program to identify and preserve its battlefields and historical sites. The primary goal of the project is to learn more about this historical event through the identification of battlefield locations as well as through obtaining physical evidence through noninvasive archaeological investigations (i.e. remote sensing).
To be successful, this effort needs the support of local residents. From the start, I want to emphasize that the collaboration we are seeking is strictly voluntary on the part of local residents and landowners. We are looking first and foremost for information, local knowledge, if you will. Oral histories are an important source in helping us to understand the past. For example, we will be asking local people if they or their neighbors know of any enduring stories or legends about the Pequot War, or if they have found any artifacts or curiosities in their yards while gardening."
Get the Story:
Kevin McBride: Researching The Legacy Of The Momentous Pequot War
(The New London Day 8/17)
Another Story:
Pequot battle site plan to be explained (The New London Day 8/18)
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