Editorial: Another guilty plea in Abramoff scandal
"The recent guilty plea by a former high-ranking Justice Department official is a stunning statement about just how far the corrupt reach of ex-Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff extended into decision-making in Washington.

Robert E. Coughlin II, the former deputy chief of staff for the department's criminal division, admitted leaking internal information, attending meetings and contacting agency colleagues on behalf of Mr. Abramoff and a friend, Kevin Ring, who worked for Mr. Abramoff. At the time, Mr. Coughlin worked in the Justice Department's legislative affairs office.

Mr. Coughlin gave the lobbyists names of "friendlies" at the Justice Department, colleagues who could help Mr. Abramoff. He also helped to secure $16.3 million from the Justice Department for the Mississippi band of Chocktaw Indians, a client of Mr. Abramoff's. He intervened in a land dispute affecting Mr. Abramoff's clients, and leaked his agency's internal deliberations regarding a bill. In exchange, Mr. Coughlin and his wife were showered with thousands of dollars' worth of meals, tickets to sporting events and concerts, and other rewards."

Get the Story:
Editorial: More Abramoff Scandal (The Harford Courant 5/14)

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