Series on Robinson Rancheria disenrollments
The Lake County News is publishing a series on pending disenrollments by the Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California.

The tribe has notified 60 people that they could be removed from the rolls. Others say as many as 74 could be kicked out for not meeting membership requirements.

"This has been on the table for many, many year," Chair Tracey Avilia told The Lake County News.

Those who are being removed have a half hour to make their case before the tribe's business committee. If they don't like the answer, they can appeal to the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

"In this particular situation, according to their laws, their constitution and enrollment ordinance, the BIA will become involved in a disenrollment appeal," regional director Dale Risling said.

Critics question the timing of the effort, coming after a disputed election in June. They also say the tribe is trying to slim down its rolls due to gaming.

As many as 2,000 California Indians have been removed from their tribes, according to the American Indian Rights and Resources Organization.

Get the Story:
Robinson Rancheria council begins disenrollment of dozens of tribal members (The Lake County News 12/5)
Indian disenrollments a statewide, nationwide issue (The Lake County News 12/6)
Seeking redress: Disenrolled Indians have few options (The Lake County News 12/7)

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