Native leader faces another hate crimes trial
David Ahenakew, a Native leader from Saskatchewan, goes on trial today for hate crimes charges.

Ahenakew, a former chief of the Assembly of First Nations and former president of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations Senate, made disparaging statements about Jewish people in a 2002 newspaper interview. He was convicted of spreading hate after a sensational trial in which he brought up the negative treatment and status of Native people in Canada.

Ahenakew challenged his conviction and won the right to a new trial. Saskatchewan's highest court said he deserved another chance due to mistakes at the trial level.

Get the Story:
Ahenakew faces 2nd trial for hate crimes (CBC 11/24)

Court of Appeal Decision:
Queen v. Ahenakew (January 14, 2008)

Queen's Bench Decision:
Ahenakew v. Queen (June 8, 2006)

Lower Court Decision:
The Queen v. Ahenakew (July 8, 2005)