Voters of the Blackfeet Nation of Montana ousted longtime chairman Earl Old Person in June but his former colleagues -- some of whom were also voted out of office -- agreed to pay him $100,000 to serve as the tribe's ambassador. Old Person, who still holds the title of chief, will lobby for the tribe in his new position. "It would be foolish for us not to take advantage of it," council member Rodney "Fish" Gervais told The Great Falls Tribune. But Willie Sharp Jr, the new chairman of the tribal council, questions the move. He said the money could be used to support programs on the reservation. The vote to approve the $100,000 salary took place two days before new tribal leaders were sworn in. Old Person said he won't take the job if the community doesn't support it. "I don't want to do something people don't want. If this is something the people want, then fine," Old Person told the Tribune. Get the Story:
Outgoing council decides to pay Chief Old Person $100,000 for ambassadorship (The Great Falls Tribune 8/10) Related Stories:
Blackfeet Nation voters oust council incumbents (6/30)
Blackfeet Nation ousts longtime chairman (6/25)