Nebraska county's Native holiday in dispute

A vote to create a Native American holiday in Thurston County, Nebraska, is being disputed by a supervisor who has worked with anti-sovereignty groups.

The board of supervisors voted 3-2 earlier this month to recognize the fourth Monday in September as Native American Day. The three supervisors who voted in favor of the measure are tribal members.

The two who voted against it are non-Indian. And one person who wasn't present to vote -- Teri Lamplot -- is trying to have the vote declared illegal.

Lamplot has served on the board of directors One Nation United, an anti-tribal sovereignty group. One Nation is closely allied with the Citizens Equal Rights Alliance, another anti-indian group.

Native Americans make up 52 percent of the county population. The Omaha Tribe and the Winnebago Tribe are based there.

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Native American holiday vote called into question (The Sioux City Journal 3/19)

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