Yankees player offers hope to Winnebago Tribe

Members of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska are proud that one of their own is playing for the New York Yankees.

In just a few games, Joba Chamberlain, 21, has emerged as a star pitcher for the team. He's a big hit with fans, but also back on the reservation.

“I think he shows that everyone can do it — even if you’re from around here,” Aaron Lapointe, 16, told The New York Times. "It’s good just to see that he is a Native American, that he is the same as me."

Chamberlain is popular enough that he picked up two votes in the recent tribal council election -- and he wasn't running for a seat. “I think Joba symbolizes possibility,” said his cousin, Brian Chamberlain.

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Chamberlain Offers His Tribe a Wisp of Hope (The New York Times 10/4)

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New York Yankees - http://yankees.mlb.com

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