The Seldovia Village Tribe of Alaska wants to use federal money for a passenger boat service in the summer.
The tribe is working with the Seldovia Native Association, a village corporation, on the project.
They want to use federal funds to start and maintain the 150-seat passenger boat that would make trips
from Seldovia to Halibut Cove.
The corporation started work on the project with the help of earmarks from Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).
But with Democrats in control of Congress, the "days of the earmarks, which were wonderful, are gone," NA chief executive Michael Beal told The Anchorage Daily News.
SNA still has $10.2 million in federal funds that it hasn't spent. An additional $4 million was transferred to the Bureau of Indian Affairs for use by the Seldovia Tribe for transportation projects.
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Seldovia Natives downscale ferry plans to summer runs
(The Anchorage Daily News 9/18)
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