Official Who Oversees Gulf Oil Drilling to Retire (The New York Times 5/8)
pwnyt House Natural Resources Committee Hearing:
Full Committee Oversight Hearing: “Royalties at Risk” (March 28, 2007) Inspector General Report:
Minerals Management Service's Compliance Review Process (December 2006) GAO Letter:
Suggested Areas for Oversight for the 110th Congress (November 17, 2006) Inspector General Testimony:
Devaney Interior Department: A Culture of Managerial Irresponsibility and Lack of Accountability? (September 2006) Inspector General Report:
Allegations Concerning Senior Officials of the Office of Special Trustee for American Indians (May 2005) Relevant Links:
Government Accountability Office:
Office of Special Trustee - Related Stories:
Judge throws out royalty underpayment verdict (04/05)
House hearing on royalty collection at Interior (3/28)
Oil company owes million for underpaid royalties (01/25)
Senate panel to hold oversight hearing on DOI royalties (1/16)
Interior raises royalty rate for offshore drilling (1/10)
Democrats to repeal oil and gas royalty incentives (1/4)
DOI official under investigation for ties to industry (1/2)
Editorial: Overhaul royalty collection at Interior (1/2)
Criminal inquiries into royalty collection at DOI (12/15)
Supreme Court rules for DOI in royalty collection case (12/12)
Editorial: Interior's long history of accounting failures (12/12)
Investigation finds major problems with royalties (12/7)
Fired DOI auditor recovered tribal royalties (12/4)
More oversight of oil and gas royalties sought (11/29)
GAO to investigate royalty collection at DOI (11/02)
DOI drops claim to millions in royalties from Chevron (10/31)
New Standard: Oil giant tries to cheat tribes of money (10/11)
Interior won't seek to recover billions in royalties (9/22)
Auditors say DOI suppressed royalty collection (9/21)
Editorial: 'Anything goes' at Interior Department (9/18)
Interior comes under fire for royalty giveaway (9/15)
Norton shielded Griles despite ethics probe (9/15)
House committee to consider DOI 'irresponsibility' (9/12)
MMS reduces role of tribal-state royalty panel (9/12)
DOI accused of hindering probe into oil and gas royalties (08/04)
Accounting firm defends social relations with OST (7/27)
OST contract tied to favors to top officials (7/25)
OST officials awarded $6.6M contract to friends (7/24)
Tribes, states weigh lawsuits against oil companies (5/8)
Norton denies fraud or major problem with trust (3/29)
GAO report warns of billions in lost oil, gas royalties (3/29)
Tribes, states object to Interior's lack of audits (03/01)
Pombo starts investigation of DOI royalty program (2/16)
Bush, Democrats oppose $7B royalty giveaway (2/15)
Interior to give away $7B in oil and gas royalties (2/14)
Oil companies fall behind on royalty payments (2/10)
DOI allows underpayment of natural gas royalties (01/24)
Editorial: Interior's endless charade on Indian trust (06/10)
OST fares no better under Ross Swimmer's leadership (6/7)
Bush administration won't give up fight on Cobell (03/18)
McCain weighs GAO probe of Indian trust debacle (03/10)
Norton won't testify on trust fund retaliation (2/28)
Lamberth takes action on Cobell trust lawsuit (2/24)
Bush official won't accept claims of trust mismanagement (02/17)
Swimmer admits some Navajo appraisals too low (12/13)
DOI was warned on appraisals of Navajo lands (12/6)
Lamberth critical of Norton's 'bad faith' on trust fund (10/25)
Interior denies attempt to halt trust fund payments (10/05)
Bush administration challenges trust fund ruling (09/16)
Appeals court takes on Cobell trust fund case (9/15)
Bush administration calls for end to Cobell case (04/09)
Trust fund special master alleges government fraud (04/07)
Cobell trust fund suit mediators announced (4/6)
Navajo landowners question BIA agreement with company (10/21)
Retaliation alleged in firing of trust fund manager (09/18)
Court report finds undervaluation of Navajo lands (08/21)
Navajo trust fund manager targeted in internal probe (07/15)
DOI employees falsified Navajo trust data (06/11)
Navajo leaders criticize upheaval at trust fund office (05/09)