Diane Humetewa, a member of the Hopi Tribe of Arizona, could be the first Native woman in history to serve as U.S. Attorney.
But that all depends on President Bush's next move. Paul Charlton, the current U.S. Attorney for Arizona, is stepping down this week but no replacement has been named.
Charlton is among a slew of U.S. Attorneys who have resigned or have been asked to leave by the White House. Under a little noticed addition to the USA Patriot Act, Bush can appoint an interim replacement for indefinite periods of time.
Arizona's Senators and Congressmen hope that doesn't happen. They say Humetewa, who has a long career in justice and tribal issues, is highly qualified for the job.
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Hopi may head U.S. Attorney's Office in Arizona
(The Arizona Daily Star 1/29)
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