A Native mother in Alaska is upset after school officials questioned her for feeding frybread to her daughter Amy Lotcher said she was lectured about the "doughnut" in her daughter's lunch box. "Telling me what I can feed my daughter or suggesting what I can feed my daughter is totally out of line," Lotcher told KTUU-TV. Anchorage School District Superintendent Carol Comeau said the school never intended to offend Lotcher's parenting skills. "We need to be very respectful of the different cultural traditions in our very diverse school district," Comeau said. But Lotcher said her daughter has been damaged by the incident at Gladys Wood Elementary School. "She will not eat fry bread period, at home or at school. She does not want to be Native now. She said she hates being Native this morning, and that's completely -- I'm heartbroken," Lotcher said. Get the Story:
Mom says school overstepped bounds for health's sake (KTUU 9/21) $rl Anchorage School District - http://www.asdk12.org