The Senate Indian Affairs Committee is holding a hearing this Thursday on S.462, a bill to settle the water rights of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Nevada.
The bill was introduced on January 31 by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. He said it would resolve a dispute between the tribes, the state and individual water users that has lasted more than a decade.
"I am pleased that the parties came together, asserted their interests, made compromises, and reached an agreement," Reid said. "Each party had different--and frequently conflicting--water claims, water needs, and ideas on water use and conservation."
The bill creates a $45 million development fund and a $15 maintenance fund for water and economic development projects on the reservation.
Committee Notice:
HEARING on S. 462, Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley Water Rights Settlement Act
(April 26, 2007)
Get the Bill:
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley Water Rights Settlement Act (S.462)
$rl Duck Valley Shoshone - Paiute Tribes -
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