Hoopa Valley Tribe weighs options on trust fund

The Hoopa Valley Tribe is considering its next step in a long-running feud over a trust fund shared with the Yurok Tribe.

Both tribes, based in northern California, were awarded money by Congress to settle a land dispute. The Hoopas accepted their share -- $34.5 million - while the Yuroks went to court, eventually losing.

The Hoopas then said they were entitled to the rest of the money, saying the Yuroks broke the settlement by going to court. But last week, the Office of Special Trustee said the Yuroks are entitled to the fund -- which has now grown to $90 million.

The Yurok Tribe said it will take the money, after providing a waiver within the next month. But Hoopa Valley Chairman Clifford Lyle Marshall said the battle isn't over yet.

Get the Story:
Hoopa chairman says U.S. decision reopens old wounds (The Eureka Times-Standard 3/3)
Decision made in settlement act; tribe to receive nearly $90 million (The Eureka Reporter 3/3)

Relevant Documents:
Written Witness Testimony (8/1)

Relevant Laws:
Hoopa Yurok Settlement Act of 1988 (P.L.100-580)

Relevant Links:
Hoopa Valley Tribe - http://www.hoopa-nsn.gov
Yurok Tribe - http://www.yuroktribe.org

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