Maya woman considers run for president of Guatemala

Rigoberta Menchu, a Maya woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992, said she is considering a run for president of Guatemala.

Menchu said she is being urged to run for this September's election. "I owe my loyalty to a series of Mayan leaders, and we would have to see what these parties have in store for Mayan people," she said, the Associated Press reported.

Menchu is best known for her human rights work. She advocated for poor Mayans, many of whom were killed during the nation's bloody 30-year civil war.

If elected, Menchu would be the third indigenous person to lead a Latin America country. The first was Alejandro Toledo of Peru, whose term ended last year, and the second was Evo Morales of Bolivia.

Get the Story:
Guatemalan Nobel Peace Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchu weighs run for presidency (AP 2/1)
Maya Nobel winner Menchu eyes Guatemala presidency (Reuters 1/31)

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