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City Leader: Let voters make decision over Guidiville Band casino

Monday, July 26, 2010

"The Pt. Molate Casino issue has provoked very passionate and extensive comments on both sides of the issue.

After considering carefully the hundreds of very passionate and well-reasoned contacts I have received, I have decided that the voters, not the council, should decide this issue.

Although there are disagreements about whether the proposed $1.2 billion casino project would be good or bad, no one disputes that it would fundamentally alter Richmond for decades to come.

Letting the people decide on this issue honors the strong feelings of both sides.

I will be supporting a real binding vote on a specific legally enforceable agreement, not an advisory vote that would leave the issue in the hands of the City Council and that would be (fairly) criticized as being so vague as to be meaningless, given that we don't yet have a specific plan."

Get the Story:
Jim Rogers, Richmond City Council: Let people decide on casino (The Contra Costa Times 7/24)

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