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Opinion: Menominee Nation casino not a good bet in Wisconsin

Filed Under: Casino Stalker | Opinion
More on: economy, menominee, off-reservation, wisconsin

Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha

Writer doesn't think the Menominee Nation off-reservation casino won't create long term economic benefits in Wisconsin:
The Wisconsin casino market already appears saturated, or close to it. Dan Alesch, professor emeritus of public administration at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, concluded in a report he wrote for us at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute that a new casino in the state would likely just result in a transfer of jobs and money from one community to another. There would be little if any net gain to the people of Wisconsin — who get a slice of gaming revenues — as a whole.

In fact, both the Ho-Chunk and the Potawatomi have language in their gaming compacts that could reduce payments to the state as a way of being compensated for revenues lost as the result of a new, competing casino. The Ho-Chunk say that the state could even be forced to make payments to the tribe instead of the other way around.

Yes, Kenosha would likely benefit economically from a new casino — at least for a while, maybe even if other tribes get to add still more casinos in Beloit and Sheboygan and Shullsburg to the dozens that already exist. Maybe even as online gambling proliferates. Maybe.

But Kenosha would lose something too, something big and promising.

Get the Story:
Mike Nichols: Menominee casino not a good bet for state or Kenosha (The Kenosha News 10/15)

Also Today:
Walker seeks tribal meeting (Wisconsin Radio Network 10/14)

Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino

Related Stories:
Governor seeks meeting to discuss Menominee Nation casino (10/14)

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