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Opinion: A bad bet on an off-reservation casino in Wisconsin

Filed Under: Opinion
More on: menominee, off-reservation, scott walker, wisconsin

Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha

Writer at conservative publication defends criteria being used to judge Menominee Nation off-reservation casino in Wisconsin:
A sure sign of a stagnant economy that is more focused on cannibalizing existing activity than creating economic growth is the growth of Indian tribal casinos.

Sold as a way to generate revenue for those Indians who live on reservations and improve their standard of living, the casinos too often prove a source of corruption and a bust as a means of helping Indians become economically self-sufficient over the long term.

The most visible current battle over how much the Indian casino industry should expand is being played out in Wisconsin, where Governor Scott Walker is empowered by federal law to decide if he will approve a massive new $808 million off-reservation casino in Kenosha proposed by the Menominee tribe. Last year the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute found that the Wisconsin casino market is “saturated” and the addition of new casinos would result in “no net gain” for the people of Wisconsin.

Get the Story:
John Fund: Placing a Bad Bet on More Indian Casinos (The National Review 10/1)

Bureau of Indian Affairs Documents:
Press Release | Fact Sheet: Menominee Nation Decision | Section 20 Determination: Menominee Nation Off-Reservation Casino

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Menominee Nation waits for state on off-reservation casino (9/30)

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