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Republicans back Menominee Nation off-reservation casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker
More on: igra, menominee, off-reservation, paul ryan, republicans, scott walker, two-part determination, wisconsin

Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha

Republican lawmakers in Wisconsin, including a top leader, are supporting the Menominee Nation off-reservation casino.

Senate President Mike Ellis (R) doesn't live near the casino site in Kenosha. But he questions why Gov. Scott Walker (R) wants all 11 tribes in the state to come to a consensus on the project.

"This seems to me to be counter to the concept of free enterprise," Ellis told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

"Are we going to start saying we can only have so many gas stations?" Ellis added. "Are we going to start saying we can only have so many hardware stores?"

Two other Republican state lawmakers near Kenosha already support the casino. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), whose district includes the site, hasn't voiced a strong position but he previously lobbied the Bureau of Indian Affairs to make a decision on the tribe's application.

The BIA approved the casino under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act That means Walker can veto the project.

Get the Story:
Scott Walker's casino stance contradicts free market, Mike Ellis says (The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 8/29)
Legislators seek quick decision from Walker regarding casino (The Kenosha News 8/29)
Gov. Walker to meet with Indian tribes about Kenosha casino (The Business Journal 8/28)
Wis. Republican questions casino approval criteria (AP 8/28)
Rep. Kerkman issues statement supporting Kenosha casino (West of the I 8/28)
Tribes remain at odds over casino (Fox News 8/28)
Governor Wants Potawatomi, Menominee To Collaborate On Casino (Wisconsin Public Radio 8/27)

Relevant Documents:
Fact Sheet | Section 20 Determination

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Menominee Nation pitches off-reservation casino partnership (8/28)

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