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Forest County Potawatomi Tribe battles Menominee casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker
More on: bia, fcpt, igra, menominee, off-reservation, scott walker, two-part determination, wisconsin

Artist's rendering of the proposed Menominee Nation off-reservation casino. Image from Casino Kenosha

As expected, the Forest County Potawatomi Tribe is expressing opposition to an off-reservation casino for the Menominee Nation in Wisconsin.

The Potawatomis operate an off-reservation casino in Milwaukee. The Menominees want to build an $800 million casino in Kenosha, about 40 miles to the south.

“For one tribe to go on another tribe’s historical lands is a very, very big deal,” Potawatomi spokesperson George Ermert told Wisconsin Radio.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett also opposes the new development. The city receives a share of revenues from the Potawatomi Bingo Casino although the amount fell in the last year.

The Menominees are pursuing the casino under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, meaning federal and state approval is required. Since 1988, only three tribes -- including the Potawatomis -- have completed both steps of the process and have opened casinos.

Apart from the Menominee proposal, the Obama administration has approved two-part determination applications for two tribes in California. Both were approved by the state governor but the projects face legal and political hurdles.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs approved a two-part determination applications for a tribe in Michigan. The governor did not agree to it.

The BIA also approved a two-part determination application for a tribe in Oklahoma. The governor's response is pending.

Another two-part determination application was rejected for a tribe in New Mexico.

Get the Story:
Potawatomi push back on Menominee casino (Wisconsin Radio 8/27)
Convention, tourism industries would feel initial boost from Kenosha casino, observers say (The Kenosha News 8/27)
BIA approves Menominee gaming plan (The New London Day 8/27)
Menominee Tribe's Casino Faces Hurdles (WBAY 8/26)
Walker will decide if Kenosha casino is built (The Milwaukee Business Times 8/23)

Relevant Documents:
Fact Sheet | Section 20 Determination

Related Stories:
Menominee Nation wins approval for off-reservation casino (8/26)

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