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Three lawsuits pending over Tohono O'odham Nation casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker | Litigation
More on: 9th circuit, arizona, bia, land-into-trust, off-reservation, tohono oodham

Artist's rendering of the proposed West Valley Resort. Image from Tohono O'odham Nation

Three lawsuits are pending in connection with the off-reservation casino proposed by the Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona.

One questions whether the Bureau of Indian Affairs can place land into trust for the tribe under a land claim settlement act. Judge David Campbell said yes but the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the Obama administration to take a second look to determine whether the site of the proposed West Valley Resort falls "within the corporate limits" of another municipality.

The second case also went in the tribe's favor. Campbell said the Class III gaming compact does not prohibit a casino in the metro Phoenix area but the decision is being appealed to the 9th Circuit.

The third lawsuit was filed by the tribe to contest a state law that allows its property to be annexed by the city of Glendale without consent. Campbell blocked the law but, again, another appeal is pending before the the 9th Circuit.

Get the Story:
Glendale asks judge to close suit in casino flap (The Arizona Republic 8/3)

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