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Apache Tribe shutters gaming facility amid leadership dispute

Filed Under: Openings and Closings
More on: apache, employment, oklahoma
The Apache Tribe of Oklahoma has temporarily closed its casino amid a leadership dispute that has left employees without their paychecks.

Donnie Cabannis claims he is the chairman of the tribe. But rivals say Phillip "Bodie" Wetselline is in charge

"There's a lot of corruption going on in our casinos now, and we need to take control of that," Cabannis told News9.

Meanwhile, about 60 employees of the Silver Buffalo Casino haven't been paid. Some were given a partial cash payment on Monday and were promised the rest of their money by today.

"I don't think people are stealing," responded Ernest Redbird, the tribe's administrator.

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OK Casino Closes Suddenly, Leaving Workers Without Paychecks (News9 7/30)

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