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Editorial: Florida study shows need for long-range gaming plan

Filed Under: Opinion
More on: florida, miccosukee, seminole
Newspaper says Florida Gaming Study shows why state must develop a long-range plan:
With the Florida Lottery among the biggest in the nation, casino-like games at pari-mutuels and jai alai throughout the Sunshine State, casinos run by the Seminole and Miccosukee tribes and those gambling cruises to nowhere and back, the thought that a destination casino resort will destroy Florida’s family tourism image seems almost quaint.

Florida already is a “major gambling state, with a wide array of options.” So declares a new gambling study conducted for the state.

That’s why a comprehensive approach is long overdue to focus on what type of gambling makes sense for Florida and to put an end (or at least limit) the games that continue to prey on the elderly and working poor.

Get the Story:
Editorial: Florida’s gambling genie (The Miami Herald 7/3)

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