Artist's rendering of proposed First Light Resort and Casino. Image from Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
The Massachusetts Gaming Commission is looking to speed up the process for a non-Indian casino in southeastern Massachusetts even as the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe pursues its project. The commission plans to award licenses for two other regions in the state in early 2014. Members said southeastern Massachusetts shouldn't have to wait as long. The exact timeline, however, has not been set. The commission will take up the matter again at a meeting on May 30. Non-Indian developers will have to pay a $400,000 non-refundable fee to bid on the casino. K.G. Urban Enterprises has said it will pursue the license. Developers that already submitted the fee to compete for the license in any of the other two regions will be able to compete for southeastern Massachusetts without paying another fee, the commission determined. The tribe plans to build the $500 million First Light Resort and Casino in the city of Taunton. A land-into-trust application is pending at the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Get the Story:
Casino bidders can get second chance in southeastern Mass. (AP 5/17)
Gaming Commission wants to speed up casino licensing in Southeastern Mass. (The New Bedford Standard-Times 5/17)
Rejected Mass. casino plans can try again (The Boston Globe 5/17) Related Stories:
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe defends Class III gaming deal (5/16)
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