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Menominee Nation waiting for word on off-reservation casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker
More on: bia, economy, eis, igra, land-into-trust, menominee, off-reservation, scott walker, two-part determination, wisconsin
The Menominee Nation of Wisconsin is still waiting for an answer on its off-reservation casino.

The Bureau of Indian Affairs issued a final environmental impact statement for the casino in Kenosha. If it's approved, Gov. Scott Walker (R) will get a year to decide under the two-part determination provisions of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act.

“It’s a very long process,” Vice Chair Lisa Waukau told The Appleton Post-Crescent. “We’ve been battling this for a while. We know how government operates. We’re just going to soldier on with this.”

Wisconsin is home to more than 20 tribal casinos. Waukau believes there's room for more even though the Casino City’s Indian Gaming Industry Report. showed a decline in revenues in 2011.

“I don’t think we’ve reached the saturation point,” Waukau told the paper. “The people in northeastern Wisconsin and the surrounding area like to gamble.”

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Saturation point? (The Appleton Post-Crescent 3/31)

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