Gaming interests spent $1.1 million on lobbyists last year, The Boston Herald reports, with Mashpee Wampanoag
Tribe accounting for the largest share.
The tribe spent more than $500,000 on several lobbyist, the paper said.
One was former Rep. William Delahunt, whose firm received $180,000 last year.
Last year, the tribe reached a Class III gaming compact that was later rejected by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
A new deal is being negotiated as the tribe prepares for an election on February 10.
The Mohegan Tribe of
Connecticut spent $73,800 on lobbyists, the Herald reported.
The tribe is bidding on a casino in western Massachusetts.
Get the Story:
Lobbyists score $1.1M in state’s casino battle (The Boston Herald 1/22)
Power struggle to play out in tribal election (The Cape Cod Times 1/22) Related Stories:
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Lobbyists score $1.1M in state’s casino battle (The Boston Herald 1/22)
Power struggle to play out in tribal election (The Cape Cod Times 1/22) Related Stories:
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