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Opinion: Let county talk about Spokane off-reservation casino

Filed Under: Casino Stalker | Opinion
More on: off-reservation, spokane, washington
"County Commissioner Al French should be congratulated for exposing the absurdity of the muzzle that has been placed on the Spokane County commissioners in regard to the Spokane Tribe’s casino project. For reasons that escape me (and that appear suspect), the former Board of County Commissioners, led by Bonnie Mager, gave up the county’s right to speak in favor or against any casino development for the Spokane Tribe.

The city of Airway Heights could have thrown out this neutrality clause when French came to them last month, but, in an increasingly desperate effort to protect the proposed casino, Mayor Patrick Rushing and his council voted unanimously to reject that request."

Get the Story:
Irv Zakheim: Remove county’s gag (The Spokesman Review 10/20

Another Opinion:
Melinda E. Travis: End silence on casino (The Spokesman Review 10/20)

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