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Indian gaming supports $10.8B economic impact in Oklahoma

Filed Under: Public Relations
More on: economy, employment, oklahoma
Tribes in Oklahoma contribute $10.8 billion a year to the state's economy, with Indian gaming accounting for $7.6 billion of the impact, according to a new study.

Tribes operate over 100 gaming facilities, the most of any state. Their casinos provide full-time employment to about 32,000 people, the report stated.

"Tribal operations of the 38 tribes who call Oklahoma home touch every corner of the state,” Chickasaw Nation Gov. Bill Anoatubby said in a press release. “We are deeply committed to finding innovative ways to increase the quantity and quality of economic opportunities available. This study highlights the fact that reinvestment of tribal business revenues makes a significant contribution to the Oklahoma economy by creating new jobs, funding essential services and building communities.”

Overall, tribes directly employ about 54,000 people at their casinos and other businesses. According to the report, tribes support over 87,000 full-time jobs, or about 5 percent of all the jobs in Oklahoma.

Get the Story:
Tribal activities make $10.8B impact on Oklahoma's economic output, study suggests (The Oklahoman 10/17)
Oklahoma tribes have $10.8 billion impact on state (The Tulsa World 10/17)

Get the Report:
The Statewide Impacts of Oklahoma Tribes (October 2012)

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