Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) had a horrible record on Indian issues.
Columnist wonders why Jennifer Farley, a former Bush administration official who worked on tribal issues at the White House, arranged a meeting between the Poarch Band of Creek Indians and the owner of the Washington professional football team.
Lovelin Poncho, one of the figures in the Jack Abramoff scandal, has been elected chairman of the Coushatta Tribe.
The Atlantic's Mariah Blake covers convicted Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff at his new game: Jack Abramoff, the infamous lobbyist, was slumped over a table in a dimly lit Clear Channel studio on a recent Sunday evening when a voice came...
Convicted former lobbyist Jack Abramoff wants to "reconcile" with the tribes he defrauded even as he says he won't be able to repay $44 million in restitution. Abramoff and his associates stole $10 million from the Agua Caliente Band of...
Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff can't vote because he's a felon but he says he can't support President Barack Obama. He can't really endorse Republican Mitt Romney either. “But I don’t want to jinx him and hurt him, so I’m not...
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) accepted $4,000 from tribes represented by convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff when he served in the House, The Washington Post. Portman was among dozens of Republicans who accepted donations from Team Abramoff but the Post did not...
A Department of Justice attorney who prosecuted the Jack Abramoff scandal and the botched case against the late Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) has left his government job. William Welch was the head of DOJ's Public Integrity Section. The unit handled...
Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff influenced the Bush administration to reverse its stance on a Cherokee Nation election in which the Freedmen weren't allowed to vote, an attorney for the Freedmen claims. The tribe's economic development arm hired Greenberg Traurig, where...
"If there is a common denominator among the lobbyists who set up Republican superlobbyist Jack Abramoff, it’s that they are a few feathers short of a headdress. Tom Rodgers has got to be the most insane of the bunch as...
Disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff says he wants to make amends in Indian Country for swindling tribes out of tens of millions of dollars. Abramoff, who was released from prison in June 2010, has been ordered to repay some $44 million...
"Fallen super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff is out of prison now but still doing penance. On Monday afternoon, he performed the Washington equivalent of donning a hair shirt: He appeared before the liberal advocacy group Public Citizen to field questions from reporters...
Years after being defrauded out of $4.2 million, the Tigua Tribe is finally seeing some restitution from Jack Abramoff and his partner in crime, Michael Scanlon. But it isn't much. So far, the tribe has only recouped about $200,000, Lt....
"In the middle of the aughts, you’ll remember, Republicans had run basically every branch of elected federal government, and George W. Bush had just won re-election over a John Kerry. At the time, a lobbying scandal was just starting to...
Convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff is being paid $5,000, plus expenses, to lecture lawmakers in Kentucky about "ethics," Bloomberg News reports. Abramoff claims he will use the money to pay back the tribes he defrauded. He's been on a media blitz...
Jack Abramoff says he's sorry for defrauding Tigua Tribe out of $4.2 million. But the convicted lobbyist isn't apologizing to tribal leaders in person. Instead he told The El Paso Times that he feels bad about stealing their money. "I'd...
"The notorious former lobbyist and convicted felon is on a well-received rehabilitation tour. But what, exactly, does he think he did wrong? Since being released from prison in 2010, Jack Abramoff -- "One of the world's most famous lobbyists...
"MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: I'm Michel Martin, and this is TELL ME MORE from NPR News. But first, to many people the career of our next guest symbolizes everything that's wrong with the ethics in government, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff....
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy "Asked if he could become Washington's money man again, former lobbyist Jack Abramoff, recently released after three years in prison, said he "absolutely" could come back to Capitol...
"“My life has taken a bit of a turn,” lobbyist-turned-felon-turned-reform advocate Jack Abramoff told the crowd assembled in Tucker Carlson’s living room in Northwest D.C. on Tuesday night. “I used to be a right-wing guy who sort of disdained...
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in US v. Michael Scanlon, No. 11-3024, on Monday. Michael Scanlon pleaded guilty to bilking tribes out of more than $20 million. He agreed to repay the money but went back to...
"It was only last week that the Huffington Post began asking elected officials named in Jack Abramoff's new book as recipients of his clients' cash about the charges. The denials came fast and furious. Some, like Sen. Byron Dorgan,...
"Jack Abramoff may be the most notorious and crooked lobbyist of our time. He was at the center of a massive scandal of brazen corruption and influence peddling. As a Republican lobbyist starting in the mid 1990s, he became a...
In his forthcoming book, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff says Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) cost him a job. Abramoff was working as a consultant for Cassidy & Associates. According to the book, Inouye told the firm’s leader, Gerry Cassidy, to fire...
"U.S. District Judge Ellen Segal Huvelle sentenced former lobbyist Kevin Ring to 20 months in federal prison followed by 30 months of probation. This ends years of litigation by sentencing the last man standing in the political lobbying scandal...
"Disgraced ex-lobbyist Jack Abramoff might hope his upcoming book sells well, but he won’t see all of the profits from it. A federal court has garnished money earned from “Capitol Punishment: The Hard Truth About Washington Corruption From America’s Most...
"Jack Abramoff might have a book on the way, but literary lucre isn’t in his future. When we reported last week that Abramoff was penning a first-person account of his adventures in uber-lobbying, some readers fretted that he stood to...
A federal judge won't be imposing a lengthy sentence on Kevin Ring, an associate of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. After two trials, Ring was convicted of five felony counts. Federal prosecutors said he showered gifts on Congressional aides and...
Federal prosecutors are seeking a lengthy sentence for Kevin Ring, an associate of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff. After two trials, Ring was convicted of five felony counts. Prosecutors said he showered gifts on Congressional aides and Bush administration officials...
Michael Scanlon, one of the major figures in the Jack Abramoff scandal, must pay $17.7 million in restitution to the law firm that represented tribes, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday. Scanlon pleaded guilty to defrauding his tribal clients. As...