
Editorial: Tribal housing complex badly needed

TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 2003

The Farmington Daily Times in an editorial welcomes a new housing complex under construction on the Navajo Nation.

"Nobody living on the Navajo Nation need be told there is a shortage of housing," the paper says. "Some people have waited for a long time for a place to live."

The project includes 102 homes at two sites. It will be completed in phases, with the first expected to be completed in April 2004 and the second expected to be completed by November 2004.

Dineh Housing, a non-profit based in Shiprock, received the funding through the Native American Housing Assistance and Self Determination Act program.

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Editorial: New housing badly needed (TheFarmington Daily Times 6/10)

Relevant Links:
NAHASDA, US Dept of Housing and Urban Development -
National Indian Housing Council -

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