
NARF: What's wrong with Indians winning?

MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2003

"Last week, Indian Country Today published the letter of five tribal chairmen criticizing our efforts to seek redress for the Department of Interior’s historic and continuing mismanagement of the individual Indian money and other resources in the Cobell v. Norton litigation. While we welcome a constructive dialogue focusing on ways to improve the lives of Indians by improving the systems that impact the governance and management of Indian assets, the chairmen’s letter includes several assertions - stated in remarkably harsh terms - that are absolutely false. We appreciate the opportunity to respond and clarify the record.

We cannot allow the Interior Department, their proxies, or anyone to "divide and conquer" us. The government is losing and they are desperate. They are banking on being able to make us war against one another - tear each other down - while they continue to sacrifice billions of dollars of our money. The choice is ours. We say, let’s stop them and make sure that the next generation will not be exploited like our fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers were and continue to be.

What’s wrong with the Indians winning for once instead of the cavalry?"

Get the Story:
Cobell and Echohawk: Cobell case is a just and proper cause (Indian Country Today 3/17)

Cobell case threatens sovereignty (Indian Country Today 3/7)

Relevant Links:
Indian Trust: Cobell v. Norton -
Cobell v. Norton, Department of Justice -
Indian Trust, Department of Interior -

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