"Having been the gaming capital of the world since the 40s, Las Vegas has had the monopoly on serious gamers and lovers of the glamorous high life for decades. That, however, could be about to change as New York is set to boost its own gaming community. A move to legalise non-Indian casino gaming is gaining both momentum and popularity, which could see the Big Apple paying out significant casino jackpots of its own.
In a poll undertaken by Quinnipiac University, it is clear that the big smoke is in favour of such a decision. The motion has a consistent level of support throughout the metropolis, with 56 per cent of New York City residents in favour, alongside 58 per cent in the suburbs and 54 per cent from upstate towns. In a statement, Quinnipiac pollster Maurice Carroll said: "Roll the dice. Spin the wheel. Hit me. New Yorkers of every stripe say what stays in Vegas should stay in the Empire State as well"." Get the Story: