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Jemez Pueblo optimistic for off-reservation gaming proposal
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Leaders of Jemez Pueblo promoted their off-reservation casino project at public forum in Anthony, New Mexico.
The tribe wants to build a casino near Anthony, about 300 miles from the reservation. "We will bring everything and pay our own way. That's the beauty of this project," adviser Benny Shendo Jr. said at the forum, The El Paso Times reported.
The Bureau of Indian Affairs. has issued a draft environmental
impact statement for the casino.
Public comments are being accepted until July 1.
The Mescalero Apache
Nation, the Ruidoso Downs
Race Track and the New Mexico
Indian Gaming Association oppose the casino.
Gov. Susana Martinez
(R), who has to approve the project, also has concerns.
Get the Story:
Jemez Pueblo leaders optimistic on proposed casino in Anthony, New Mexico
(The El Paso Times 6/21)
Federal Register Notice:
Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Pueblo of Jemez 70.277-Acre
Fee-to-Trust Transfer and Casino Project, Don˜ a Ana County, NM (April 8,
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