Pueblo of Laguna COVID-19 Case Update
January 7, 2021
Source: Pueblo of Laguna (lagunapueblo-nsn.gov/covid-19-operation-information-updates)
ALERT: The Pueblo is experiencing our largest surge of positive cases since the beginning of the pandemic. Many tribal services are impacted by the surge and the EOC continues to work at max capacity to support community members impacted. The POL COVID-19 case update is as follows:
- 97 Active Cases with 30 cases begin children under the age of 17.
- 106 Households in Quarantine with 370 people impacted.
- Cases By Village: Seama 17, Encinal 4, Paraje 9, Laguna 41, Paguate 4, Mesita 22
EXPOSURES began with individuals outside of the Pueblo visiting for the holidays and not knowing they were positive. Additional exposures occurred with large family gatherings over the holidays, Pueblo residents traveling out of state, and individuals failing to adhere to COVID-19 Safe Practices.
ALL PUEBLO MEMBERS & RESIDENTS MUST ADHERE TO EXECUTIVE ORDER AMENDMENT NO.5 visit the POL website for document or contact the Tribal Building for a copy. Pay close attention to:
- All Pueblo members and residents are responsible to ensure NON-RESIDENTS (visiting or moving to the Pueblo) are:
- Fully vaccinated and can provide vaccination card for verification
- Provide a negative test taken within the previous 5 days
- Pueblo residents traveling out-of-state must advise the EOC of travel plans and abide by testing and isolation requirements upon arrival back to the Pueblo.
ITS GOING TO TAKE ALL OF OUR INDIVIDUAL EFFORTS to change the course of the impact we are experiencing in the Pueblo. We are asking all Pueblo residents to heighten your COVID-19 Safe Practices (CSP’s) and do not let up on wearing your face mask when around individuals outside of your household, keep a 6ft social distance from people when you are out, wash your hands often or use hand sanitizer, stay home if you are experiencing symptoms, and get tested immediately if symptoms appear even slightly.
CSP’s, COVID-19 TESTING & VACCINATIONS continue to be our most valuable tools in this fight against the virus. Regular testing assists with observing the health of the community and helps limit viral transmission. Data on COVID-19 vaccinations continue to show effectiveness against the virus and variants, limiting severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Various studies continue to show that an unvaccinated person can carry & shed a very high viral load for a longer period of time versus a person who is fully vaccinated. It is strongly encouraged to get vaccinated to protect yourself and others, and stay updated on COVID-19 boosters for your age group.
Failure of the community to adhere to COVID-19 Safe Practices and precautions may result in the Pueblo seeing more hospitalizations and severe illness of community members if we continue at this pace. Stay safe!