Navigating the American Rescue Plan Act: A Series for Tribal Nations, Session 5
Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2021, 4:00pm
Location: Virtual event, registration required
During this 75-minute discussion, the fifth in the series, each panelist presentation will be followed by a brief Q+A session to maximize the opportunities for audience participation.
This session, titled “Investing In Your Tribes’ Behavioral Health” will feature:
Stacy Bohlen (Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians), CEO, National Indian Health Board *invited
Del Laverdure (Crow Nation), Attorney, Former Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Department of Interior
Lynn Malerba (Mohegan Tribe), Lifetime Chief, Mohegan Tribe
Moderated by Karen Diver (Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa), HKS MPA 2003, Board of Governors, Honoring Nations, Harvard Project
Virtual Event Details
Registration is required for this event. Please register using the link above to receive details via email for how to join the virtual discussion.
You can submit questions to the panelists in advance during the registration process. A live Q&A will also be available during the event with an option to submit questions in real-time.
The Ash Center encourages individuals with disabilities to participate in its events. Should you wish to inquire about an accommodation, please contact our events team at prior to the event.
Additional questions? Email the Ash Center events team at
Prior Sessions
Session Four:
Session Three:
Session Two:
Session One: