The Navajo Nation
Office of the President and Vice President
June 16, 2021
3 new cases, 29,554 recoveries, and one more death related to COVID-19
WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – On Wednesday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the NavajoEpidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported three new COVID-19 positive cases for the Navajo Nation and one more death. The total number of deaths is now 1,341 as of Wednesday. Reports indicate that 29,554 individuals have recovered from COVID-19. 278,166 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 30,936, including one delayed reported case.
Navajo Nation COVID-19 positive cases by Service Unit:
- Chinle Service Unit: 5,620
- Crownpoint Service Unit: 2,974
- Ft. Defiance Service Unit: 3,672
- Gallup Service Unit: 4,904
- Kayenta Service Unit: 2,741
- Shiprock Service Unit: 5,259
- Tuba City Service Unit: 3,756
- Winslow Service Unit: 1,991
* 19 residences with COVID-19 positive cases are not specific enough to place them accurately in a Service Unit.
On Wednesday, the state of Arizona reported 436 new cases, Utah reported 413, and New Mexico reported 82 cases.
“According to several reports, the Delta variant continues to spread in the United States. The Navajo Department of Health continues to monitor all variants on the Navajo Nation. So far, there are no confirmed cases of the Delta variant on the Navajo Nation, but we have to keep taking precautions. Yes, our daily numbers are consistently low, but we still have several variants in our communities. Keep wearing your masks in public and do your best to social distance, wash your hands often, and please get vaccinated if you haven’t already done so. The vaccines are highly effective and they are helping to save lives. Be safe and keep praying for our people,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.
Health care facilities across the Navajo Nation continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines during drive-thru events or by appointment. If you would like to receive the vaccine, please contact your health care provider for more information for your Service Unit.
“This COVID-19 pandemic has been a very tough challenge for all of us, but the support we offer to one another and the prayers we offer continue to carry us forward. We know there are many of our people dealing with the mental health impacts caused by the pandemic. We encourage you to take advantage of the services offered by the Navajo Nation Division of Behavioral and Mental Health Services. Please take precautions and keep praying for our health care workers and all of our communities,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.
The Nez-Lizer Administration hosted an online town hall on Wednesday to provide COVID-19 updates. The town hall is available to view on the Nez-Lizer Administration’s YouTube channel at:
For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: For COVID-19 related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014.