Today (May 24, 2021), the Department of the Treasury announced a 2-week extension for tribal governments to submit their requests for payments from the $20 billion tribal portion of the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund. The extension is due to numerous requests from tribal leaders experiencing technical issues.
While the deadline has been extended, it is crucial that tribal governments complete the process of requesting payments from the Treasury Submission Portal as soon as possible in order to receive their share of the funds.
Payments to tribal governments will take place in two tranches. The first payment will be $1 billion equally divided among tribal governments, as statutorily required, as well as 65% of the remaining funds ($12.35 billion) based on self-certified tribal enrollment numbers. The second payment will be the remaining 35% of funds ($6.65 billion) based off of 2019 tribal employment numbers.
The deadline to request the first payment is now Monday, June 7, 2021 at 11:59 pm PST.
Treasury estimates it will take 4-5 days to process each submission, after which they will reach out to the point of contact with the allocation amount the tribe will receive and an anticipated date for the funds to be transferred.
To receive the second payment, Treasury will reach out to the designated point of contact asking this person to reenter the Submission Portal and confirm or amend the tribe’s 2019 employment numbers that they already submitted to Treasury following the passage of the CARES Act.
The deadline to affirm or amend these numbers is now June 21, 2021 at 11:59 PM PST.
If a tribal government does not confirm or amend employment numbers by this deadline, the tribal government will not be eligible to receive a share of the employment allocation.
For Assistance:
- Treasury will host a 30-minute briefing today at 3:00 ET for Tribal leaders to provide an update on the extension of the deadlines and what to expect over the next several weeks. You may attend this briefing via this Zoom link, or you may dial in +16692545252,,1606278276# US (San Jose) or +16468287666,,1606278276# US (New York) meeting ID: 160 627 8276
- Treasury hosted two tribal information sessions in May that provided an overview of the process of applying for these funds through the Treasury Submission Portal as well as a discussion of eligible uses for the funds. Click here to access the slides from these presentations.
If you are having issues submitting your tribe’s information, please reach out to the following:
- Technical Issues regarding Treasury’s Submission Portal or for technical support:
- Policy questions or questions about eligible uses of the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds:
- General questions about Tribal Affairs at Treasury:
For more information about the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for Tribal Governments please visit the Treasury Website and read our Broadcast announcing the disbursement. NAFOA will continue to monitor developments related to the distribution of the $20 billion to Tribal governments and will work to keep our community informed as new information becomes available.