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Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)


The Navajo Nation 

Office of the President and Vice President

February 22, 2021

15 new cases, 15,999 recoveries, and one more death related to COVID-19 

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – On Monday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 15 new COVID-19 positive cases for the Navajo Nation and one more death. The total number of deaths is now 1,145 as of Monday. Reports indicate that 15,999 individuals have recovered from COVID-19, and 242,360 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 29,551.

Navajo Nation COVID-19 positive cases by Service Unit:

* 18 residences with COVID-19 positive cases are not specific enough to place them accurately in a Service Unit.

On Monday, the state of Arizona reported 1,507 new cases, Utah reported 338, and New Mexico reported 237 new cases. The Navajo Nation’s curfew remains in effect from 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. (MST) seven days a week.

“For those who want to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, we encourage you to contact your IHS Service Unit for information regarding upcoming drive-thru vaccination events or to find out if your Service Unit provides appointments. We are doing our best to provide the information, but we need your help to inform your loved ones. As we see the COVID-19 variants spread in regions of the country, we have to continue doing everything we can to protect ourselves and others. Every day, there is new information and guidelines from the CDC and other health experts, so it’s very important that we all keep ourselves updated and informed. Please continue to stay home as much as possible, always wear a mask in public and around others, avoid in-person gatherings, practice social distancing, and wash your hands with soap and warm water often,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

Health care facilities across the Navajo Nation continue to administer COVID-19 vaccines during drive-thru events or by appointment. If you would like to receive the vaccine, please contact your health care provider for more information for your Service Unit.

On Tuesday, Feb. 23 at 10:00 a.m. (MST), the Nez-Lizer Administration will host an online town hall on the Nez-Lizer Facebook page and YouTube channel to provide more COVID-19 updates.

“Please do your best to stay informed and to inform your loved ones, especially in regards to the spread of the COVID-19 variants. Traveling off the Navajo Nation at this time presents great risks for contracting the virus. Our health care experts continue to urge all residents to stay home as much as possible to keep ourselves safe and healthy. Keep praying and keep taking all precautions,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.

For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: For COVID-19 related questions and information, call (928) 871-7014. 

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