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Navajo Nation (Arizona, New Mexico, Utah)


The Navajo Nation

Office of the President and Vice President

September 9, 2020

12 new cases, 7,167 recoveries, and no recent deaths related to COVID-19 

WINDOW ROCK, Ariz. – On Wednesday, the Navajo Department of Health, in coordination with the Navajo Epidemiology Center and the Navajo Area Indian Health Service, reported 12 new COVID-19 positive cases for the Navajo Nation and no recent deaths. The total number of deaths remains 527 as previously reported on Tuesday. Reports indicate that 7,167 individuals have recovered from COVID-19 and 98,068 COVID-19 tests have been administered. The total number of positive COVID-19 cases is now 9,915.

Navajo Nation COVID-19 positive cases by Service Unit:

* Six residences with COVID-19 positive cases are not specific enough to place them accurately in a Service Unit.

The Navajo Nation will have a 32-hour partial weekend lockdown beginning on Saturday, Sept. 12, 2020 at 9:00 p.m. until Monday, Sept. 14 at 5:00 a.m. (MDT) to help control and prevent the spread of COVID-19 on the Navajo Nation. On Wednesday, the state of Utah reported 314 new cases of COVID-19, the state of Arizona reported 496 new cases, and New Mexico reported 92.

“Our daily number of positive COVID-19 cases will continue to fluctuate as long as we don’t have a vaccine available. Today’s slight increase in cases shouldn’t discourage our Navajo people, as long as we continue to listen and practice the safety measures recommended by our health care experts. It’s due to the advice and recommendations of our health care experts that we’ve managed to drastically reduce the number of new cases here on the Navajo Nation, so we have to continue to comply with their advice. Please continue to wear masks, practice social distancing, stay home as much as possible, wash your hands, and avoid crowds to keep our numbers low,” said Navajo Nation President Jonathan Nez.

On Thursday at 6:00 p.m. (MDT), President Nez and Vice President Lizer will host an online town hall on the Nez-Lizer Facebook page to provide COVID-19 updates.

“There was a substantial increase in new cases for the entire state of Arizona today and it’s largely due to college students returning for the fall semester. We have many of our own Diné students attending various colleges and universities in surrounding states and we certainly encourage them to wear masks and to practice the safety protocols implemented by the Navajo Nation. We want our students to know that we are praying for their safety and health as they continue to pursue their higher education away from home. Stay safe and please continue to pray for yourselves and your families,” said Vice President Myron Lizer.

For more information, including helpful prevention tips, and resources to help stop the spread of COVID-19, visit the Navajo Department of Health’s COVID-19 website: For COVID-19 related questions and information, call ‪‪‪(928) ‪871-7014‪.

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