Mascots, Native Rights, and Justice
Presented by IllumiNative, Native Organizers Alliance, and NDN Collective, tomorrow’s Virtual Town Hall will feature Black, Brown and Native voices around recent events at MT. Rushmore, the campaign urging the NFL to cease their use of Native American names, mascots, and imagery, the fight against White Supremacy, and will also explore conversations about action, justice and transformative change with Native leaders and POC leaders.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
6:00PM ET – Brief Introductions
6:10PM ET – Native Peoples, Not “Native” Mascots: The Time Is Now
6:39PM ET – MT. Rushmore: Fight For Indigenous Rights and Against White Supremacy
7:09PM ET – How do we build a multiracial movement for justice and equity?
7:45PM ET – End
WHERE: Livestreamed on llumiNative’s Facebook page
Derrick Johnson, President NAACP
Ijeoma Oluo, Author So You Want to Talk About Race
Judith LeBlanc, Native Organizers Alliance; Caddo
Greisa Martinez Rosas, United We Dream
Crystal Echo Hawk, IllumiNative; Pawnee
Amanda Blackhorse, Lead Plaintiff, Blackhorse v. Pro Football, Inc.; Diné
Suzan Harjo, Lead Plaintiff, Harjo v. Pro Football, Inc; Cheyenne and Hodulgee Muscogee
Carla Fredericks, First Peoples Worldwide; Mandan Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation
Dr. Stephanie Fryberg, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan; Tulalip
Nick Tilsen, NDN Collective; Oglala Lakota
Faith Spotted Eagle, Brave Heart Society
Rosebud Tribal Chairman Rodney Bordeaux
IllumiNative is a Native-led nonprofit, launched to increase the visibility of Native peoples in American society by changing the national narrative. IllumiNative challenges negative narratives, stories, and stereotypes about Nativepeoples. We provide tools for Native advocates and allies including youth, community and tribal leaders, activists, and professionals across critical sectors — to develop and advocate for accurate and contemporary representations and voices of Native peoples.