BARNSTABLE COUNTY, Massachusetts (May 1, 2020) — Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe Director of Emergency Management Nelson Andrews Jr (left) and FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Adam Burpee visit a historical Wetu at the tribe’s museum on tribal land. Wetu is the Wampanoag word for “home” in the Wôpanâak language.
FEMA photo by Adam Burpee
LAKE TRAVERSE RESERVATION, S.D. – The Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe in South Dakota receives baby supplies for the tribe’s Early Childhood Intervention Program, which supports 900 children on the Lake Traverse Reservation. The FEMARegion 8 team worked closely with the tribe and the nonprofit, Baby2Baby, to secure the infant and baby supplies.
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate Tribe photo by Jim Pearson
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