Site icon COVID-19 in Indian Country

Native Americans and Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall


Tune-in this Thursday, April 30th at 8PM ET for the Native Americans & Coronavirus Virtual Town Hall co-hosted by the Black Eyed Peas’ TabooIllumiNativeNDN Collective and Indian Country Today as part of IllumiNative’s #WarriorUp campaign.  Moderated by Indian Country Today’s Mark Trahant, this live virtual event will include important discussions of the impact of COVID-19 on Native communities and tribal governments. 


Panelists include:

The Town Hall will livestream on Taboo’s YouTube channel  as well as on each of the partners’ respective Facebook pages to unite Indian Country and allies against COVID-19. Spotlighting economic and healthcare issues, Native leaders, legislators, influencers, and advocates will explore how the pandemic is exacerbating disparities and inequalities affecting not only Native Americans but all communities of color. Under these unprecedented circumstances, this town hall brings together Native voices and allies to overcome these disparities and showcase the resiliency of a unified community. Studies show that 78% of Americans know little to nothing about Native peoples, which is critical when these numbers are translated directly into emergency funding during times of crises like the current pandemic.

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