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Indian Health Service

The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus testing data, reflecting results known as 11:59pm Eastern on April 15, 2020.

According to the data, 14,406 people within the IHS system have been tested. Of those, 1,313 have contracted COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The figure represents an increase of 8.3 percent from the 1,212 cases previously reported.

The data continues to show gradual growth in testing in some regions of the IHS. The Phoenix Area in particular has seen an increase of nearly 28 percent in tests administered. As a result, the number of positive cases in the region, which serves patients in Arizona, Nevada and Utah, grew by 54 percent.

With the update, the IHS maintains a slightly different reporting method. Results are now  based on an 11:59pm cutoff, rather than 7pm from prior reports.

“Data is reported from IHS, tribal, and urban Indian organization facilities, though reporting by tribal and urban programs is voluntary,” the agency states on the website.

IHS Area Tested Positive Negative
Alaska 1,188 10 531
Albuquerque 1,479 195 753
Bemidji 142 17 112
Billings 1,793 18 1,596
California 621 43 496
Great Plains 312 22 257
Nashville 773 26 446
Navajo 4,103 728 2,802
Oklahoma City 2,156 77 1,665
Phoenix 625 105 442
Portland 690 65 565
Tucson 524 7 423
TOTAL 14,406 1,313 10,088


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