The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus testing data, reflecting results as of 11:59 pm Eastern on April 14, 2020.
According to the data, a total of 13,385 people within the IHS have been tested. Of those, 1,212 are positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The figure represents an increase of nearly 8 percent from the 1,124 previously reported.
With the latest data, the IHS is switching to a slightly different reporting method. Future results will be based on an 11:59pm cutoff, rather than 7pm from prior reports.
The data continues to show the Navajo Area with the largest number of cases (693) followed by the Albuquerque Area (180). The two regions serve a large population of Navajo and Pueblo citizens in Arizona and New Mexico, where the coronavirus has been shown to have a disproportionate impact on Native Americans.
The Alaska Area continues to show just 7 cases, a figure that hasn’t changed since April 6, even as results from more than 640 tests have yet to be reported. The region also had administered far more tests than almost every other in the IHS system, though the Albuquerque Area, the Billings Area and the Oklahoma CIty Area have finally caught up after lagging in prior weeks.
IHS Area | Tested | Positive | Negative |
Alaska | 1,133 | 7 | 482 |
Albuquerque | 1,342 | 180 | 724 |
Bemidji | 140 | 17 | 106 |
Billings | 1,699 | 18 | 1,549 |
California | 594 | 36 | 460 |
Great Plains | 307 | 22 | 253 |
Nashville | 438 | 23 | 349 |
Navajo | 3,926 | 693 | 2,778 |
Oklahoma City | 2,142 | 77 | 1,644 |
Phoenix | 491 | 68 | 361 |
Portland | 654 | 64 | 549 |
Tucson | 519 | 7 | 417 |
TOTAL | 13,385 | 1,212 | 9,672 |