The Indian Health Service has updated its coronavirus data, showing results as of 7pm Eastern on April 12, 2020.
According to the data, a total of 11,981 within the IHS system have been tested. Of those, 1,037 are positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The number represents an increase of nearly 5.3 percent from the 985 cases previously reported.
The Navajo Area by far continues to show the largest number of COVID-19 cases. According to the IHS data, 579 people in the region have contracted the disease, an increase of 8 percent from prior data.
The Albuquerque Area comes in second with 158 positive cases, the data shows. No new results were reported in this region.
“Data is reported from IHS, tribal, and urban Indian organization facilities, though reporting by tribal and urban programs is voluntary,” the agency states on its website. “This is a rapidly evolving situation and the IHS will provide updated information as it becomes available and is verified.”
IHS Area | Tested | Positive | Negative |
Alaska | 1,133 | 7 | 482 |
Albuquerque | 954 | 158 | 529 |
Bemidji | 138 | 17 | 103 |
Billings | 1,530 | 15 | 1,261 |
California | 538 | 35 | 415 |
Great Plains | 295 | 22 | 250 |
Nashville | 88 | 8 | 55 |
Navajo | 3,685 | 579 | 2,567 |
Oklahoma City | 2,105 | 74 | 1,612 |
Phoenix | 437 | 57 | 340 |
Portland | 634 | 59 | 528 |
Tucson | 444 | 6 | 349 |
TOTAL | 11,981 | 1,037 | 8,491 |