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Oklahoma City Indian Clinic


April 1, 2020

Sweet child of mine 

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic wants to provide you with tips to discuss the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) with your child


OKLAHOMA CITY- Oklahoma City Indian Clinic (OKCIC), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit clinic providing health and wellness services to American Indians in central Oklahoma, wants to equip you with answers to your child’s questions about the novel coronavirus pandemic.


Many children may have already heard of the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, and likely have questions about it. 


“Children are looking for answers about what is going on,” Misty Gillespie said, OKCIC’s Behavioral Health Director. “Offer your child comfort and honesty while letting them know this is new to everyone.” 


According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, here are a few ways to help your child understand the COVID-19 pandemic. 


“Remember, their feelings are as valid as your own,” Gillespie said. “During your conversations, they may get upset or angry. Feelings are okay, but we want parents to help children express them in a helpful way.” 


Here are a few activities you can introduce to your child that can help them express their concerns about COVID-19: 


About Oklahoma City Indian Clinic 

Oklahoma City Indian Clinic was established in 1974 to provide excellent health care and  wellness services to American Indians in central Oklahoma. The clinic staff cares for more than 18,000 patients from over 200 federally recognized tribes every year. American Indians can receive a range of services, including medical, dental, pediatrics, prenatal, pharmacy, optometry, physical fitness, nutrition, family programs and behavioral health services. For more information, please call (405) 948-4900 or visit

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